Other organisations' work-stress related links & documents


The TUC has issued new advice on 16th November 2015 for workers subjected to bullying in the workplace and new guidance for union reps on bullying in the workplace.


Lone Working, a Guide for Safety Representatives

The TUC have published a guide for safety representatives on lone working. This useful document covers such subjects as

  • The legal position
  • Risk assessment
  • Dynamic risk assessment
  • Violence
  • Working in remote areas
  • Home working
  • What can safety representatives do?
  • Further information

and gives examples to help illustrate the topics.


Julie Hurst of the WorkLife Balance Centre informs us of other articles of interest:


A report has been published on Bullying at Work - Update on Equality Challenge Unit Project. The project has been set up by the ECU in partnership with a number of trade unions and the funding councils of England and Wales. It is tasked with addressing the issues of bullying and harassment, in order to promote dignity at work, specifically in the Higher Education sector.


Developing Patient Partnerships has released the 2006 Stress and wellbeing report DPP: Developing Patient Partnerships (formerly Doctor Patient Partnership) is a health education charity working with primary care organisations and the public to make the most of health services and help people manage their health by improving health knowledge and communication.


The Chartered Institute of Building have published a report on Occupational Stress in the Construction Industry. It is an interesting report about a specific sector of industry.


Julie Hurst of the Worklife Balance Centre has forwarded edition 13 of Balancing Act with 5 top tips to help you regain your work life balance.

The balanced lunch sessions the Work Life Balance Centre are providing are proving very popular. If you would like to arrange for a fun packed hour and a half looking at aspects of regaining control over your working life please get in touch as they are running out of dates quite quickly. Contact The Work Life Balance Centre for more details.

Julie Hurst has pointed us in the direction of some useful reports:

Julie Hurst is also a co-author of the sixth annual 24/7 work/life balance report a very interesting read. An executive summary is also available.


Details of a recent discrimination seminar held by prominent UK Solicitors Russell, Jones and Walker on maternity issues. Some very interesting facts emerge!


ISMA, the International Stress Management Association has produced a second guide, aimed at employees, entitled Working Together to Reduce Stress at Work: A Guide for Employees.


Bullying Guidance for Managers has been published by the Chartered Management Institute to help organisations manage the impact of bullying at Work.


Water UK have recently revised issued a very useful document in Microsoft Word entitled "Managing Stress at Work" as part of their Clearwater 2010 Project.


The Work Positive website has been developed by the Health Education Board for Scotland (HEBS), (now NHS Health Scotland) and the Health and Safety Authority (HSA, Ireland) to help organisations address this very important health and safety issue - stress at work.

It is highly recommended for employers who wish to develop strategies for dealing with stress at work and offers many useful free downloads of tools and questionnaires etc..


A new publication entitled "Work Stress & Health: the Whitehall II Study", was issued on the 5 July 2005. It was published by the PCS Union and commissioned by the Council of Civil Service Unions and the Cabinet Office and is a summary of the very interesting findings of research carried out by University College London.


This interesting research into the work/stress suffered by international airline cabin crew was recently conducted as part of a postgraduate MSc within the Institute of Work, Health and Organisations which is an institute of applied psychology at the University of Nottingham. Crew from 35 different airlines participated in the online questionnaire.


A Unison member has sent us this Unison Stress Guide which is nicely presented and weighs in at only 15 pages, so it is well worth reading. It contains model surveys and stress policies.


The Department for Work and Pensions has issued this advice for staff who wish to learn more about stress and/or develop their own coping strategies - our most frequently downloaded documents!


The London Hazards Centre has called on the government's HSE and HSC agencies to take immediate action to reduce the harm done to workers by rocketing levels of occupational stress.


The Communication Workers Union have issued this stress survey conducted for them by the Labour Research Department in Adobe Acrobat format.


You can download the recent important Sutherland v Hatton judgement here in Word .doc form. The Court of Appeal allowed the employers' appeals in three of these cases (Hatton, Barber and Bishop). In the fourth (Jones) it dismissed the employer's appeal "not without some hesitation".

The Industrial Injuries Advisory Council has issued its Position Paper 13 on the subjects of stress and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder explaining why it disappointingly concludes that stress should not be classified as a prescribed disease.


SignUp, the NHS campaign for Healthier Workplaces has published a document a summary of a Mind report, "Stress and Mental Health in the Workplace, Executive summary". The full report can be obtained from Mind's on-line bookshop

ISMA, the International Stress Management Association has an excellent range of free factsheets relating to work stress on their website as well as a stress questionnaire and they promise that more will be adeed to the page in future, so please keep checking!

There are further internet links to other stress related web sites on our links page.


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